Visual Binary Diff is a program I released
many years ago for OS/2. I ported it to Windows
when I switched from OS/2 to Windows NT, but never got around to
releasing that version. Now I'm finally releasing both Linux and
Windows versions.
Oh, you were wondering what it does? It displays two files as
hexadecimal bytes and your choice of ASCII or EBCDIC, and highlights
the differences between them.
This year, the founder of
has been selected as a candidate for "European of the Year".
You don't need to live in Europe to vote, so check out their
voting guide
and get your vote in before November 11.
I've now ported the Fast File Validator to Linux.
It should also work on other systems that support POSIX asynchronous
I/O, but I've only tried Linux.
I've released an updated version of the
GUEmap 2 alpha.
I've integrated the GUEmap home page with my main web site. The new
URL is
I've completely redesigned my website. It's now based on the
template by Linus Gibson,
although I've made some significant changes to the base template. In
particular, I've converted it to use
Mason components, so I don't
have to keep repeating boilerplate HTML.
The redesign isn't really finished yet, but I think it's already a big
improvement over what I had, so I've gone ahead and switched.
Due to the wholesale changes, there's probably some things I've
missed. If you come across one, feel free to drop me a note.